Friday, January 21, 2011

2 Week Check Up

Jack continues to do great! He had his two week check up and was cleared for regular activity. His incision looks great. The first thing we did when we got home was play ball :-). We also saw the holistic vet and pretty much are going with what we have been doing but have taken one item out (Si Miao San) and added two items (Xue Yu Tang and Tan Yu Tang). I've also added EGCG and Turmeric). We will now take it a day at a time and enjoy life to the fullest!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bad News :-(

Well I finally heard from the oncologist....the news was not good, the melanoma has spread. While I prepared myself for this, it still is a crushing blow.....I was so hoping for a miracle. My family and I are crushed. But we had a good cry and now are going to focus on holisitc medicine and do everything we can to make his time with us as long as possible and as full of life as possible. He continues to do well after the surgery!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Home from Surgery

He had surgery to remove the growth in his lung on Thursday...they also removed one lympth node. I'll have the results from those sometime next week. They told me he would not be able to come home until Saturday morning at the earliest.....he proved them wrong and came home Friday late afternoon :-). He definitely is sore and is moving slowing but is eating and acting fine. He is on restricted activity for 2 weeks so that should be fun!! I've told the oncologist that I just can't afford to do anything else (really couldn't afford what I have done) and that just kills me! :-( I'm hoping for good news next week! He continues to amaze me!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Results of last X-Ray

So its been another month and Jack went in for another x-ray to see how the spot on his lung looked. Overall the news was good, its still there, maybe just a bit bigger (a bit over 2 cm) and no other new spots/growths. So I went ahead and had a CT done to make sure there wasn't anything else anywhere else. It came back clean except for that one growth. Soooo it looks like he will have surgery on Thursday and they say prognosis is good. Here's keeping that hope!!